Thursday 3 September 2015

How To Deal With Sin

How to deal with sin

The word repentance means simply “feeling sorry for what we have done or regretting an action.” Repentance has a more profound meaning. The Greek word translated “REPENTANCE is, “METANOIA” which means.
a.   To have another mind
b.   To change course after further insight
Scriptures: Math. 4:17, Mark 1:15

One of the Hebrew words translated “REPENTANCE”, is “SHUB” which means
a.   To turn back
b.   Making a U turn in our experience
Scriptures: 1 Kings 8:47, Ezekiel. 14:6

To become a Christian the first step necessary is to repent.
Scriptures:    Acts. 2: 38 – 39
                     Luke. 15: 7 – 10
                     Ezekiel 18: 30 – 32

True repentance means a complete about turn in thought and action.

Do you experience an immediate about turn in your thoughts and actions?

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